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Infestation Levels
Low – Warranty
Infestation Duration: Less than 1 month
Sightings: Few sightings noted, if any
Fecal Stains: Minimal fecal stains, if any
Bites: Minimal bites noted, if any
Medium – Warranty
Infestation Duration: Less than 3 months.
Sightings: Consistent sightings noted in a localized area.
Fecal Stains: Moderate stains.
Bites: Regular bites noted over a period of time.
HIGH -Warranty is questionable and will be determined on a case by case basis
Infestation Duration: Anything over 3 months.
Sightings: Heavy sightings noted.
Fecal Stains: Severe stains in multiple locations.
Bites: Severe bites noted.
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